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Athletic Training Waiver
First Name
Last Name
Name of Athlete
First Name
Last Name
Please list any previous and current health conditions you may have.
Please list any previous or current bone/skeletal injuries you may have.
I wish to participate in the exercise programs developed by Body BaYou & its trainers. I understand there are inherent risks associated with participating in strenuous exercise. I have been advised by my trainer, that I should contact my physician and obtain clearance to begin these programs. I agree that my trainer & Body BaYou shall not be liable for any injuries to me resulting from my participation in the fitness program, wherever they may take place. (Please type your first and last name for signatures)
I understand that Athletic Training is non-refundable. Any session that is missed can not be made up or transferred. (Please initial)
I understand that the results of any fitness program cannot be guaranteed and that my success and progress depends on my effort and cooperation inside and outside the hours of my training sessions. (Please initial)
Thank you!